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Dear students,

SAVE THE DATE: from June 3-8, 2024, MCI again organizes a whole week dedicated to sustainability. Also this year, the MCI Sustainability Week is filled with fun and educational events designed to inspire and engage students and others to join the sustainability movement at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®. You can already check out our program and register for your preferred activities here.

Your MCI-Team
#myMCINews #getinformed #MCInsights

MCIdea4students | April 30, 2024

We are looking for innovative ideas on a) opportunities for change and measures on campus, as well as b) potential initiatives by MCI students that will have a sustainable impact on our university. Prize money: €500!

Submit now


There are still free spots available for the following 2 career seminars in April/May 2024: “Rhetoric for Debating” and "Matlab" (held in German). Check out the whole program and expand your personal competence profile!

Check calendar

DFK Student Support Award

Are you in the second half of your studies and can already show off impressive professional and/or personal achievements? Then you should apply for the DFK Student Support Award. Deadline: May 31, 2024

Apply now

NEW TIME MODEL at Industrial Engineering & Management

Studying during the week is now possible with our Master’s degree! Therefore, lectures are held from Monday to Wednesday in the afternoon. Read more…

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Book your seat at ULB!

Our partner library introduced a new tool for booking your favorite seat in their reading rooms. You can reserve seats up to 10 days in advance.

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Spotlight: Springer eBooks

Great news! We have expanded our eLibrary with 3.663 eBooks in the field of Biomedical & Life Sciences and Behavioral Science & Psychology.

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Universum Career Test 2024

Your voice matters! By sharing your insights, you'll not only shape our offerings but also uncover your ideal employer and career preferences. Check your e-mails and evaluate the MCI until April 15, 2024.

Check inbox

Final call for the Founders Academy

Have a startup idea? This 11-week online program is designed to accelerate your startup vision through expert webinars, personlized coaching, accessible tools and community support. Deadline is April 7, 2024.

Register now

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®
UniversitaetsstraĂźe 15 - 6020 Innsbruck / Austria
+43 512 2070-0 | | Impressum | AGB

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